inspirational quotes
Quotes on inspirational
1.Don 't write your name on sand, waves off.
Dont't write your name in the sky, the wind can blow away.
Write your name in the hearts of people you come into contact with
This is where it will remain.
inspirational quotes about love
2. Yesterday the past
Tomorrow is the future
But today is the gigt
That is why it is called the presnet.
Bil Keane
3.we are responsible for what we are, what we want to be ourselves.
we have the power to make ourselves.
inspirational quotes for kids
4.Si you can imagine,
you can do it,
If you can dream it,
you can become.
-William Arthur Ward
inspirational quotes about life
5.Do not do something permanently
stupid just because you're
temporarily upset.
6.if you do not go after what you'll never there.
If you do not, the answer is always no.if you do not
a step forward, you're always in the same place.
-Nora Roberts
7.The most difficult phase of life
is not when nobody understans you
this is when you do not understand yourself.
8.The greatest danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it
but he is too weak
and we reach it.
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9.Reall important meetings are planned by the
soulslong before the bodies see each other.
S '10. It true that we do not
know what we
until we lose it, but it is
also true that we do not
know what we were
missing until it arrives.
11. Do not give up, the beginning is
always the hardest.
12.Winners take the time to enjoy their work,
knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes
the view from the top so exhilarating.
13.The opportunities
are endless ...
... we simply
needs to advance
14.when we live in the past
we can not put our right foot forward in the present.
Learn from what happened and live today
opportunities there is not on what could ...
15.Don 't lose hope
when the sun goes down,
the stars appear.
inspirational quotes by famous people
16.Great values ??are built on solid moral foundation.
men become great when they allow these values
to take root in their souls and live by them.
Lincoln Patz
17.A journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step.
18.You can never cross the ocean
until you have the courage to
lose sight of the shore
19.Never wish life were easier,
I wish you were better
- Jim Rohn
20.For all missed, you have gained something else,
and for everything you gain, you lose something else.
it is your outlook towords life.You can either regret
21.There are two ways of spreading light
To be the candle mirror that reflects
22.i may not go
I wanted to go.
but I think I ended up
where I should be.
23.The only disability in life
is a bad attitude.
24.Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.
T worry 25.Don 'just breath.
it's meant to be, it will find its way. does not detract from
join the crowd
it takes just
inspirational quotes for students
27.So when a good idea comes,
You know, part of my job is to move around ID,
just see what different talk about it,
afgue with people about it,
Get ideas moving among that group of 100 people,
obtain different persons
together to explore
various aspects thereof
quietly, and, you know ...
28.what we are today is the result of our own past actions,
what we want to be in the future depends on our present actions,
decide how you should act now.
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