Monday, March 2, 2015

abdul kalam quotes for education

Life and time are the best teachers in the world.
Life teaches us to make good use of time
and time teaches us the value of life

You can not change your future, but.
you can change your habbits
and surely your habbits will change your future

A best book is equal to hundred good friends
but good friend is equal to the library

All birds find shelter during a rain
eagles but avoid rain
flying above the clouds.
problems are common,
but the attitude makes the difference.

abdul kalam quotes on education

Man needs his difficulties due
they are neccessary enjoy success.

We must think and act like a nation
a billion people, not like a
million people. Dream, dream, dream

India can live without nuclear weapons.
this is our dream, and it should be the
dreaming of the U.S also.

My view is that at a younger age
your optimism is becoming
you have more imagination ect
you have less bias.

If a country is to be free from corruption
and become a nation of beautiful minds,
I firmly believe that there are three societal
members who can make a difference.
they are the father, mother and teacher

It's fine to celebrate success but it is more
to warrant the lessons of failure.

Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you
but to help you realize your hidden potential and power,
Let difficulties know you are too difficult.

abdul kalam quotes for education


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